Paolini V, Fernández Romero D, Ubieta C, Coromina Farfán G, A M Di Lonardo. Autoimmune hepatitis (AH) and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Scandinavian Journal of Immunology Vol. 54 pag 63/63. 2001.
Coromina Farfán G, Carballo G, Fernández Romero D, Manucci P, Rodriguez Cardozo SG, Bierfass G, A M Di Lonardo. A study of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in male patients, Scandinavian Journal of Immunology Vol. 54 pag. 100/100. 2001.
Latino J, Bierfass G, Paolini MV, Lessa CF, Fernández Romero DS, Carballo OG, Pesaresi M, AM. Di Lonardo. Estudio retrospectivo de 24 pacientes embarazadas con diagnóstico de síndrome antifosfolipídico (APS). Medicina. Vol. 61. pag. 728/728. 2001.
Paolini MV, Carballo OG, Fernández Romero DS, Mannuchi P, Ramos SG, AM. Di Lonardo. A study of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in male patients. Medicina. Vol 61. pag. 728/728. 2001.
Latino JO; Bierfass GR; Carballo OG; Fernández Romero D; Paolini MV; Prada ME; Scher JS; Pesaresi M; AM. Di Lonardo. Antiphospholopid syndrome and pregnancy (APS). A retrospective study. Lupus. 2002.
Echenique GS, Rodríguez Cardozo MB, Bierfass GR, Fernández Romero D, Latino JO, Pesaresi M; AM. Di Lonardo. Cytokine gene polimorphism in APS. Lupus. 2002.
Fernández Romero DS; Scher UJ, Paolini MV; Prada ME; Bierfass G; AM. Di Lonardo. SLE and acquiered inhibitor of factor VIII. Lupus. 2002.
Rodríguez Cardozo, MB; Echenique, CG; Ribas, N; Fernandez Romero, DS; Scher, JU; Latino,JO; Pesaresi, M; AM Di Lonardo. Major histocompatibility complex polimorphism in antiphospholip syndrome.Lupus. 2002.
D.S. Fernández Romero, C. Juri, G.R. Bierfass, M.V. Anticardiolipin antibodies in SLE patients. Autoimmunity Reviews. Abstracts of 5th international congress on autoimmunity. Sorrento, Italy, novembrer 29 - december 3, 2006; 279.